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The Zit: Dialogue

Timmy #1:

So, ah, ummmm, great party!

Ahhh….I was wondering…you know….maybe…. if you might want to….I mean, this is a great song, and I thought…..

Suzie, do you want to dance?

Timmy #2:

Thanks, Millie. I can do this. I can do this.

Timmy #3:

Hah! Yeah!

Timmy #4:

Hey, it’s gone!

Timmy #5:

Here kitty, kitty, kitty. Thatta’ girl! Look at the nice birdie!

Come on, Millie. Git it! Get the birdie!

Tweat! tweat-tweat, tweat-tweat-tweat, tweat!

French Title: Le Spot

Spanish Title: El Grano

Italian Title: Il Brufolo

Portugese Title: A Borbulha